Monday, August 4, 2008

Keno hits Ohio

Today marks the first day for Keno in the state of Ohio in over 700 locations. Pretty much anywhere that you can buy alcohol, sit on a bar stool and watch the Indians win (or lose) is taking part in this online bingo-like gambling game.

What does Ohio get out of it? An estimated $73 million... IN THE FIRST YEAR ALONE.

Where does the rest of the money go? a little over 6% of sales goes to each individual "Keno vendor," plus their bonuses. This could result in splitting a whopping $18 million the first year. The rest of the money then goes to the winners and the state coffers.

Forget some magical solution to saving the economy - we've got Keno now!

This is Ohio's way of "legalizing" gambling since we have, as a state, rejected it three times since 1990. (Hey, don't yell at me, I voted for it!)

Hopefully it will help. Anything will at this point.

But, have you have noticed the advertising of Keno? I sure haven't. Does this strike anyone else as odd?


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