Thursday, July 3, 2008

Red, white and blue... and green?

The green trend has entrenched the automotive, business, decorative and pretty much any other market you can think of... including fireworks? It is true. The Washington Times released an article this week entitled, Greener rockets take off, promoting how new green fireworks are in the works as an effort to have a friendlier impact on the environment.

As the article states, these fireworks are "smoke-free as well as free of potassium perchlorate, an oxidant. Perchlorate, mixed with charcoal and sulfur fuel, is responsible for speeding up the fuel-burning process and achieving the fiery effects that awe a crowd." Click here to read the full article.

Have a safe holiday!


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Basic telephone etiquette

Question: Have you ever been on a phone call and wondered how to politely suggest telephone manner tips to the person on the other end?

I have. Out of a recent conversation about a phone interview gone wrong, it is obvious everyone knowing the basics of telephone etiquette is a misconception. Most of these tips I am sure you have heard before, but here are a few in case you have forgotten.

- When on the phone, smile. Callers on the other end will hear it in your voice and will most likely be more pleasant in response.

- Identify yourself. When initiating a phone call of which the recipient is not familiar with you, make sure you clearly identify yourself, what company you work for and why you are calling.

- Actively listen. Pretend you are face to face with the person on the other end. Become engaged in the conversation and ask questions if you are unsure of the answer.

- Practice makes (almost) perfect. It sometimes is easier to role play the phone call before you actually make it. Practicing may help avoid some stumbling blocks you weren't initially aware of.

- Open communication lines. If you have a voicemail, check it often enough that it remains empty. This will avoid callers receiving a "mailbox is full" message when trying to get in touch with you.

- The wind tunnel curse. We've all either been there or been on the other end. If it is windy outside and you are trying to talk on your cell phone, It is highly unlikely the person on the other end of the phone will be able to understand anything you say. Please wait until you are indoors to make a phone call.

- Common courtesy. It is true - "Please" and "thank you" go a long way.

- Umm... you know? Take note of sentence fillers you may say without realizing and make an effort to avoid them.

- Snacking prohibited. Make an effort to avoid eating or drinking while on the phone. The person on the other end will thank you.

- Always return your phone calls. "It is the right thing to do," as my Mom (and yours) would say.

Try to keep these in mind the next time you are on the phone... after all, anytime you are on the phone you are marketing yourself. Go ahead, give yourself something to brag about.


Wait, that can't be right...

Was that really Eddie Murphy's head on the back of a car?

Indeed it was. This past weekend on my way to Cleveland I saw a giant Eddie Murphy head on the back of a car. "Oh, I thought those were only in California!" Exclaimed my brother from the back seat of my car. Did I miss something?

It turns out as part of Eddie Murphy's new movie, Meet Dave, there is a huge (pun intended) advertising campaign for the country to meet Murphy's character, Dave, by driving behind his head on highways all over the country. This advertisement sure caught my attention.

It also drove me to think about the other memorable vehicles turned into advertisements throughout the years. The following are a few of the ones that stick out in my mind.

Oscar Mayer's Wienermobile has been entertaining drivers since 1936.

Red Bull started the energy drink craze in 2000 and quickly gained the attention of caffeine junkies everywhere with their assorted vehicle advertising soon after.

This Dunkin' Donuts truck sure would make anyone want a donut with chocolate icing.

According to a Flickr user, this Budweiser car was driving up and down Woodward Avenue in suburban Detroit during the 2007 Woodward Dream Cruise. Samples were given out to promote Budweiser - however, the samples were of root beer.

What will they think of next?
