Friday, July 25, 2008

Finally a Sign.

Logos. What are they and why are they so important? The dictionary describes it this way. “Logo - also called logotype. a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition”.

For those of us in marketing we know and understand the importance of the visual message a logo or typeface can evoke. Yet so many people put little thought into their design and use. Signs in ancient times were symbols of services and goods as many were not able to read or write. Today your image is everything and can cause a decision or mindset before the sales process even starts.

It is with this in mind we always encourage our clients to think about the feel, emotion and message points that their logo and brand will transmit to their publics.

Yesterday we were thrilled when our sign was added to our new location. Now people can find us easier and it is a reminder of our branding that will encourage the connection to our company.

So here is a question - What does our logo stand for? Send in your comments and I will share in my next posting.


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