Monday, May 12, 2008

Marketing – Don’t Treat me Like a Redheaded Stepchild

When you tell people you are a marketer, you either get the “that’s a cool job” reaction, or you get the “oh okay so you are trying to sell me something” reaction. I, of course, prefer the former reaction. Unfortunately, many people are uneducated about the marketing profession. Therefore, they assume marketers “scheme” and run those glorifying ads that make the juicy but bad for you hamburger so delicious that you must have one right now!

Why do people view us as schemers? As unethical, manipulative and persuasive? Are consumers so afraid of what their peers would think if they admitted they made a purchase because of an ad? I’m not ashamed to admit that I saw an ad and purchased a product. Why? Because I made an educated decision about the product, I know what features and benefits are available, I know where to purchase it and I know how/if I need it in my life.

We educate the consumer. Yes, I used the word educate. Why? We describe the product’s best benefits and features as well as educating those who need to know about it, know about it. That’s the most basic principal. Yes, advertising is everywhere and yes, what will we think of next? But admit it, you talk about it, you’re receptive to it and frankly if you weren’t too busy to watch our ads on television then we wouldn’t have to find another way to reach you!

In this information age, if you want to know about something, you “Google” it. The information wouldn’t be available if the marketer hadn’t strategically placed it where you could easily find it. How many times do you remember a car commercial? You probably never remember unless you are ready to buy a car and then your antenna is raised and you see car advertisements everywhere.

So we inform and carefully put advertisements where you would be the most receptive. There’s nothing ethically wrong with that. We help our clients get their message to the end-user or consumer. So, why all this bad rap against advertisers? For some reason the media giants like to run all these news stories about the inappropriate ad or the commercial that crossed the line. Guess what? Our clients may have championed for that inappropriate creative but the client is never blamed on the national news. Why? Because they ultimately pay the dollars so the news team can report.

Plus, it takes much sweat and approval to actually run a display ad or a commercial that it is impossible to hold the agency solely accountable. Not only does it take two (agency and client) to tango, but don’t forget all commercials on the basic networks get approved by the stations prior to airing – so if the media really does have problems, then have them go speak to the “board” down the hall who ultimately has the final decision to air, or not to air it.

We educate the consumer. Yes, I used the word educate. Why? All we do is describe the product’s best benefits and features as well as letting those who need to know about it, know about it. That’s the most basic principal. Sure we use target marketing and yes it sounds like we take an arrow and shoot it at certain groups of people, but all we really do is find those who really need the product and speak to them. Yes, some unethical people practice poor marketing “schemes” but the majority doesn’t practice in that manner.

I’m tired of being stereotyped when people ask me what I do for a living. It’s bad enough being labeled a redheaded stepchild, but even worse – I am a marketer. And there is nothing wrong with it!

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